Mac running slow, Keychain keeps telling me Google Desktop has changed and asks for authentication. Do I have a virus, or is something wrong with keychain?
Activity Monitor tells me that securityd
is using 1.5GB of memory; something is wrong.
Googling suggests that /var/db/CodeEquivalenceDatabase
may be corrupted. Furthermore, it seems that it can rebuild itself, so the lizard's tail treatment is suggested: remove the offending part.
I did the following:
cd /var/db
sudo rm -rf CodeEquivalenceDatabase
sudo rm -rf
is serious magic, and can get you in serious trouble; be careful (long ago, I once did cd /dev ; rm -rf mouse *
— where I meant mouse*
— don't try this at home) ... the faint-of-heart could take a copy of the file instead and remove it later:
mv CodeEquivalenceDatabase CodeEquivalenceDatabase.old
In any case, this seemed to work. After a restart keychain asks me to authenticate access for various apps: SystemUIServer, GoogleDesktopAgent, Mail, ... I do this. Everything seems normal, and securityd
is using "only" 28MB of memory (back in the old days, we used to run serious theorem provers in less).