Add Frequently Used Programs To Your QuickLaunch Bar

In Windows 98, you have a handy tool bar called the "QuickLaunch Bar." It allows you to start up a program with just one click without having to go to your desktop or using your START button. The QuickLaunch Bar is located directly to the right of your START button. If you've never customized it, you probably have icons for Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Outlook Express, and a button that takes you directly to your desktop, among others.

It's easy to customize your QuickLaunch Bar. To remove an icon, simply right click on it and choose DELETE. Don't worry, you're not removing the program from your computer. Just from your QuickLaunch Bar.

To add an icon, simply left click on the icon on your desktop (If the program you want isn't on your desktop). Without lifting your mouse finger, drag it to your QuickLaunch Bar. Once there, lift your mouse finger and the icon will appear. (This technique is called "Drag and Drop" and is outlined)

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