Expand Your Taskbar

If you have too many programs open, your Taskbar can get pretty crowded. If you need more room, carefully hold your mouse over the top of the Taskbar until the cursor changes shapes. It will become a line with an arrow at both ends. Once you've got the arrows, drag your Taskbar up as far as you need to.

Move Your Taskbar
Your Taskbar does not have to be at the bottom of your screen. You can move it anywhere you like. Hold your mouse over the Taskbar. While holding the left button down, drag it to the top or the left or right.

Using FIND
Ever forget where you placed a file? Use your FIND utility. Click on START | FIND | FILES OR FOLDERS. Type in the name of your file and search.

View All Open Programs At Once
If you'd like to view each and every open program at the same time, you can. Find an empty space on your Taskbar and right click. Choose either "Tile Windows Vertically" or "Tile Windows Horizontally."

Add A Program To Your START Menu
If you want to add a program that is on your desktop to your START menu, just drag and drop. Hold your mouse over the program icon, left click. While holding the mouse button down, drag it and drop it onto your START button.

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