Make A Mistake? Undo It!

Make A Mistake? Undo It!
Don't worry if you've just deleted a file by accident, or erased an entire block of text. To get it back, just click on EDIT | UNDO at the top of your screen.

Save Hard Drive Space
Do you frequently forget to remove files from the Recycle Bin? If so, you're keeping a lot of junk on your computer and it's using up valuable hard drive space. You can force the Recycle Bin to only use a small percentage of your hard drive. On your desktop, right-click on the Recycle Bin and choose PROPERTIES. A scroll bar appears on the multi-tabbed dialog box which follows. Adjust it.

QuickView Utility
Do you know about the Quick View utility? It's an excellent feature of Windows that allows you to view many kinds of files without actually opening them up.
To use it, just right-click on a file and select "Quick View." Is "Quick View" not present, even for things such as Notepad text files? Maybe you did not install it. To remedy this situation, click on the "Start" button, choosing "Settings."

On the window that appears, double-click "Add/Remove Programs." On the multi-tabbed dialog box that appears, click the "Windows Setup" tab. Double-click "Accessories." Now, check "Quick View" if it isn't already. Keep clicking OK until all of the windows that you open close down. You may need to insert the original Windows disk if prompted.

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