ScanReg.INI settings

Both ScanReg and ScanRegW use the settings in the Scanreg.INI file located in the \Windows directory.
You can change several of the default settings

Backup=1 - Run ScanReg at startup and make a backup automatically. Registry backup is skipped altogether if this is set to 0

Optimize=1 - Run ScanReg to optimize the registry, reducing its size to improve performance. Registry automatic optimization is skipped if this is set to 0

MaxBackupCopies=5 - The number of backups to store. Valid entries are 0-99

BackupDirectory - Backup directory where the cabs are stored. The default is C:\Windows\Sysbckup

Additional system files to backup - Files=[dir code,]file1,file2,file3, Filenames are separated by a comma ',' ; The Dir Code can be:

10: windir (ex. c:\windows)
11: system dir (ex. c:\windows\system)
30: boot dir (ex. c:\)
31 : boot host dir (ex. c:\)