Spam (or Spamming)

It is generally agreed that Spam is unwanted email. Many believe that Spammers are abusers of the email system.

Spam is an ugly word that is over used and means any unsolicited e-mail, one e-mail or dozens or hundreds of thousands. Many individuals do not mind a little of it. They are afraid of missing an opportunity to meet a new friend or of finding a useful service or business opportunity. Other individuals make studies of what is said on these e mails. One can really get an education on ad writing from these e-mails.

Still others even sign up for the mailing lists or participate in an activity, which makes them a target for unsolicited mails. Still other individuals do “Unsolicited Bulk E-mail” and know the cost is to receive "Unsolicited Bulk E-mail” in return. It is one cost of doing “Unsolicited Bulk E mail." If you participate in discussion lists, which allow advertising, or you maintain "Bulk E- mailing Lists", please don’t make a pest of yourself. If your name is seen too often, then some people will NEVER join you. They will send unsubscribe requests. If you are on a discussion list, people may unsubscribe or just ignore you. Make yourself a pest and you will defeat yourself. This is called loss of mind share.

Another reason some people are tolerant of un-solicited e-mail is that all it takes is a couple of keystrokes and offending mail is gone. If they do not like what the person is sending (such as, solicitation to visit or receive pornography) they are willing to write a polite email and ask to be deleted from their mailing list. I have never been refused. Perhaps Mr. Internet BEAR has a use after all. One type of Bulk E-mail is acceptable for all occasions. This Bulk E-mail is one where a person has asked to be placed on the list. It is this type of e-mail whether it be a newsletter like this one or a discussion list that has always been accepted on the Internet.

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