View The Source Of A Web Page

Ever wondered what a web page looks like underneath all the colors and pictures? Well, wonder no more. Next time you're on a web page go to the top of your screen and click on VIEW | SOURCE

Easy Access Dictionary Button
Have you ever been reading something on the web and come to a word that you don't know the meaning of? Dictionary.Com offers an easy access button that sits right on the tool bar in your browser.

Once the button is installed, all you need to do is highlight the mystery word and click the button. You'll be taken right to the definition of the word.

Filling Out Online Forms
When you're filling out a form on a web page, it can get a bit tedious typing in your name, then grabbing for the mouse to get to the next text field. There is an easier way to get from one text field to the next. Just hit the TAB key on your keyboard. To move back through the spaces, hit SHIFT + TAB.

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