Multitouch Features with Windows 7

Multitouch as an overall technology has really taken the world by storm, although that really has a lot more to do with Apple than it does with Microsoft. When people consider the Apple accomplishments in the field of Multitouch, the immediate conclusion that is reached has to do with the idea of Multitouch technology on the iPhone, one of the most successful computer hardware mobile products ever created.

windows 7 unofficial logoMultitouch has almost single-handedly allowed Apple back into the game and that is exactly why Microsoft has decided to get very serious with it, dedicating the biggest change introduced in Windows 7 as being one that has a lot to do with Multitouch technology.

Specifically, Microsoft is going to be introducing Multitouch functionality into the Windows 7 system, a sure sign that Microsoft has a number of things planned for Multitouch at some point in the near future. This is not surprising news in the least, but it is definitely news that goes a long way towards showing intent on the part of the highest echelon of power at Microsoft.

By incorporating Multitouch technology into their main flagship product, Microsoft has stated a desire to move beyond specialty products like the Surface and towards mainstream products that everyone can afford to buy. One can expect these mainstream products to start including Multitouch functionality at some point in the near future, since the operating system that will be running on those products will most certainly be able to support it. Lets see how it goes.