Temporary E-mail Addresses

So, tell me, do you often stop and sign up for different things while you're browsing the Internet? You know, maybe there's a contest you'd like to win or a newsletter you might be interested in. Well, if you do, you know you usually have to give out your e-mail address in order to complete the process. But what if you don't want to give your e-mail address out to that many different Web sites? Is there anything else you can do? Of course there is and that's exactly what we're going to talk about today. Let's check it out!

If you're always signing up for things online, I'm guessing you'd get some good use out of a temporary e-mail address. Am I right? Never even thought of that before? Didn't know those actually existed? Well, they do and they're actually very easy to get. There are several online services these days that can provide you with a temporary e-mail address when you need one. They're perfect for when you're registering for something and you only want to use the address once. It also helps cut down on any extra spam mail that may come through.

Like I said earlier, there are several online services that offer temporary e-mail addresses. Most of them work pretty much the same, but you'll just need to do some research and find the one that best suits your needs. A few of the top contenders are Mytrashmail, ExplodeMail, Mailinator, Temporaryinbox and Maileater. You can find any of those by searching for them on Google or whichever search engine you like to use. Once you find one that will work for you, just follow their directions and you'll have a new e-mail address in no time at all!

~ Erin