AWM Antivirus Removal Guide

AWM Antivirus Removal Guide
AWM Antivirus is a fake antivirus program that is created by irresponsible people who just want to cheat the user to purchase the full version of AWM Antivirus which is just a malware and cannot protect the computer from any virus or trojan. AWM Antivirus installs itself into the computer and will start automatically when windows boot. Then, AWM Antivirus will scan the computer and scares the user that the computer is infected by malwares and urge the user to buy the full version of AWM Antivirus so that to remove the malware. In fact, AWM Antivirus cannot remove any malwares. Don't believe any warning come from AWM Antivirus.

AWM Antivirus provide fake features like "Security Status (Firewall protection, Antivirus protection, Spyware protection, Automatic updates, Scheduled scans and Email protection)", "System Scan", "Firewall" and "E-mail Protection". AWM Antivirus produces fake warning: "WARNING! Your system needs to be cleared. It's highly recommended you clear your PC from existing threats right now."

AWM Antivirus should be removed immediately!

AWM Antivirus Removal Guide
Kill Process
(How to kill a process effectively?)

Delete Registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "awm"

Remove Folders and Files
%UserProfile%\Desktop\AWM Antivirus.lnk