Handling Your Laptop with Care

There are some things people do to their laptops that can put them in great danger. One major example is letting their laptop charge for longer than it needs to. Most laptop owners are under the impression that if they leave their laptop on the charger for as long as possible, they'll be able to get more "juice" (power) out of it. And that's just simply not true. In reality, you're just damaging it and putting it at risk of over heating or exploding. Listed below are a few other harmful things you should be sure to keep your laptop away from. Here we go!

*Over charging.

*Not handling it with care.

*Incorrectly replacing its batteries.

*Leaving it turned on for too long.

*Leaving it in a high humidity climate.

*Tampering with the battery compartment.

*Switching to non-manufacturer batteries.

*Refusing to turn it off after it's become extremely hot.

*Trying to repair or reuse a battery that has no more power.

*Using a charger that didn’t originally come with the laptop.

*Charging it in an area around too many other cords (extension cords, for example).

Despite what you might think, over charging your laptop will not give it more "juice." It will only make it hotter. You should also always use the charger that came with your laptop. When your laptop gets too hot, you should turn it off or at least put it into Safe Mode. You need to keep your laptop in a cool area as much as possible. Now, when replacing the battery, you should refer back to the manual that came with your laptop to get the correct instructions for doing so. You should only use batteries that have been approved by the manufacturer as well.

The above guidelines apply to cell phones as well. You should only use the charger that originally came with your phone and once it's fully charged, take it off the charger. Even more, you should only replace the battery with one that has been manufacturer approved and finally, if your phone gets too hot, just turn it off completely. If you follow these rules, I promise your precious devices will last much longer!

~ Tweety Dimes

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