Do This and Your PC Will Start Up Much Faster

Are you suffering from starting problems with your PC? Is your PC taking a very long time to boot up and start working? Do this and your PC will start up much faster.

The registry is the heart of the computer. It is the one location where references to all the installations of all the software and hardware installed on your computer is located. Also all the settings of your computer are also saved on the registry only. So the registry and its speed will ensure the fast start up of your PC.

A registry though is very vulnerable as it is the only place where such vital information is located. Every time a program is removed or re installed some of the entries remain in the registry and are not removed. Soon the number and amount of all such entries increases to such an extent that it starts affecting the booting speed of your computer. So if you buy a proper registry cleaner from the internet and install it in your computer, it will remove all such orphaned entries from your computer and will definitely do a world of good to you and your PC. Do this and your PC will start up much faster.

You can also try increasing the size of your main memory. This can be done by freeing space on the hard disk of your computer or else by buying a new main memory that will lead to huge costs. When you will free the space on your hard disk, the virtual memory of your computer will also increase and hence that will lead to an increase in the size of your main memory. As you do this and your PC will start up much faster.

One of the other potential problems that could be the reason for your slow start up is also the number of programs that you have installed in the start-up folder of your system. Remove a few of those programs that start on start up. Next, take some time out and de fragment your installation drive. This also can be very good for speeding up the system. De fragmentation arranges all the data present in your system in a proper sequence. Do this and your PC will start up much faster.

If you try out all of the solutions listed above, I am sure that your system will soon be starting up much faster as compared to before.