Peek-a-Boo!-Ad Flip


No, I don't feel like playing Peek-a-Boo, but it does, in fact, have something to do with your computer. So, tell me, have you ever been working on something where you had to have more than one window open at a time? You know, maybe you were finishing up an MS Word document, you had your e-mail open and you were browsing through one of your favorite Web sites. Either way, have those windows ever partially disappeared on you? That's right, were they playing Peek-a-Boo with you? If so, there's something you can do to stop that bad behavior for good. What is it, you ask? Well, you've got to check out today's tip on our homepage to find out!

Ad Flip

Feel like taking a trip back in time? If so, you've got to give the cool site we're showcasing on our homepage today a look see. It's called Ad Flip and it's devoted to print ads from the 1940s to the 1990s. It's filled with them and I bet you'll see a few that bring back some memories! You can even send them as e-cards, which is reason enough to take a look. Check it out when you get a chance!

Here's the link you need: Enjoy!