Windows 7 default presents a list of those feature which are either enable or disable by default in Windows7.
Stop Paying For Windows Security
Let's start with security. The release of Microsoft Security Essentials has changed the landscape of antivirus software. We’ve finally got a completely free application that preserves our system against viruses, spyware and other malware — without killing system performance like some of the security software does. In my personal experience, it hardly slows down or make any impact on performance. This Windows 7 default feature check any deliberate attempt to download some viruses (It can immediately trace them out and check their way.
Don't take me granted. It has been proved by many of the security software developer. Not only did find that it detects 98 per cent of their vast malware database, but AV-Comparatives (a widely known anti-malware testing group) detected that MSE was one of only three products that did well at both finding and removing malware, including the leftovers. It was also the only free product to grab their “Advanced+” rating-the top honour for an anti-malware solution.
The advanced Tech-readers will note that MSE does not do any fancy heuristics to detect viruses that aren’t in the database already, which is a feature offered by some paid solutions. Hence Windows 7 default security package will prove beneficial for user. It will save their money expenditure on security concern.
Keep Applications Like Acrobat and Flash Updated or Uninstall Them
Windows 7 default feature also keep auto updating your application software. Because many a time we are not able to pay attention in updating the software hence facing problems. But now leave it upto Windows 7 default. Adobe Flash is notoriously full of security holes, and the latest attacks have been using vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobat to infect your PC without installing a thing — just go to the wrong site that redirects you in a hidden frame to a PDF file containing the exploit and your system can be exploited.
Regular updates of your applications is critically important to protect the security feature. Your firewall won’t help to protect you, and an antivirus software is unlikely to help if you’re using an old, vulnerable version of Flash in your browser. Hence you need is a piece of software that scans your PC and makes sure that you are using the latest, patched versions.
User Account Control (UAC) is Not a Security Tool
One of the drawaback of Windows Vista was those annyoing UAC prompts asking you for permission to do nearly anything on your computer. Its was just providing you pseudo realization of being concern about your security. Malware researchers at SophosLabs found that 8 of 10 malware samples can actually bypass UAC on a system with the Windows 7 default settings. Hence you can keep UAC disable from your end, which is by Windows7 default feature.
The original purpose was to change the way Windows works. So you don't have to take care everytime for running a program with just as administrator account. You can run easily software as a standard user account.