Get Some Yahoo! Help
Are you having trouble with your Yahoo! e-mail account? Maybe you're having a problem reading your messages or perhaps you can't send an e-mail out. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's interfering with your e-mail time and we just can't have that! So, if you've run out of other options in seeking help, allow me to give you the best one of all: Ask Yahoo!
Yes, that's right, you can actually ask the Yahoo! team to help you with your e-mail troubles. To do this, log in to your Yahoo! e-mail account and in the very top right hand corner, click on the Help link. Next, scroll down and click on the Contact Us link. Once you get to that page, there are three options you can choose from to receive help. You can either view the help pages, contact their customer support or ask other Yahoo! users. I suggest clicking on the second one (Contact Customer Care - reply needed), because you can get help from a Yahoo! expert directly.
So, go ahead and click on that link. From there, click on the link that describes your e-mail problem the best. There's basic help, assistance with mail errors and problems and there's mail abuse help. The most common would be the second choice, so go ahead and click on the Yahoo! Mail Errors and Problems Form link. You then need to fill in the form provided so they can pinpoint what might be causing your e-mail problem. When you're done, click the Send button and it will be sent to Yahoo! Since you requested a reply, you should hear back from someone within a day or two. Just be patient though, because they do get a lot of questions everyday and it takes time to wade through them all. But when they do get back with you, you should be able to solve your e-mail mystery and be on your way!
~ Erin