Fix It with a Click, Click

Do you frequently use MS Excel charts? If so, do you ever find yourself in a situation where you've gone completely through the charting process, had a beautiful graph made and realized you spelled a word wrong?

What now?

Do you have to start all over?

Oh, I hope not! There must be a quick and easy solution somewhere.

Well, breathe easy, because there sure is!

Mistakes in an Excel chart are often fixed with just a click, click.

Did you know that the chart and the data are connected? (A change in the data will automatically change the chart).

Well, that also works with the data labels you highlighted to create the chart. If there's a misspelled word, you can correct it right in the worksheet and just like magic, the chart is fixed too!

But what about all the other titles you put in the graph?

Don't worry. There's an easy fix for that too!

Simply click twice on the title that needs to be changed.

That's right! All you have to do is click, wait a second and then click again.

You'll get a cursor in the text, so you can make any necessary changes.

When you're finished, simply click somewhere else in the graph.

All the mistakes are gone!

~ April