Personal Security Removal Guide

Personal Security Removal Guide
Personal Security is a clone of the rogue security software, Cyber Security. Personal Security also known as PersonalSecurity, typically spreads via sneaky Trojans or false advertisements. Personal Security will conduct a fake system scan once it has entered a system, and then produce alarming results of several parasite infections on the system. This is done to scare the user into purchasing the full version of Personal Security in order to remove all the purportedly detected parasites. Personal Security may also display numerous pop-ups and warning messages to scare the user even more. Personal Security is not a legitimate security program and should be removed immediately.

Removal Tool: Remove Fake Antivirus. (Download it here.)

Removal Guide
Kill Process
(How to kill a process effectively?)

Unregister DLL files

Delete Registry
HKLM "SOFTWARE\Personal Security"
HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "PSecurity"
HKCR "CLSID\{35A5B43B-CB8A-49CA-A9F4-D3B308D2E3CC}"
HKLM "SOFTWARE\5FFB10D58FFCF482208906E6A889FD56"
HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\post platform" "WinTSI 01.12.2009"

Remove Folders and Files
$SMPROGRAMS\Personal Security
$PROGRAMFILES\Personal Security
$APPDATA\Personal Security
$PROGRAMFILES\Common Files\PSecurityUninstall
$APPDATA\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\PSecurity.lnk

Read more:
Constants in manual removal guide